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RCRP is designed for educators, pastors, administrators, and qualified employees of the nine (9) Seventh-day Adventist Regional Conferences.

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The Regional Conference Retirement Plan welcomes Benton Hampton

The newly appointed curator of the Regional Retiree Cultural Center, Benton Hampton is a remarkable individual whose diverse skill set and passion for curating experiences have made a profound impact in various fields. With a B.S. Degree in Organizational Management from Oakwood University, Benton combines his educational background with a track record of successful entrepreneurial ventures and proven leadership. However, it is his expertise as a structural/architectural exhibit designer and installer that truly sets him apart. Benton’s meticulous attention to detail and creative vision have allowed him to curate captivating exhibits that engage and inspire audiences.

Benton’s achievements as a curator are exemplified by his significant contributions to the founding exhibits at prominent museums. In 2010, he played a pivotal role as the structural/architectural exhibit designer and installer of the founding exhibit at the Oakwood University Clara B. Rock Museum in the Eva B. Dykes Library. His keen eye for design, combined with his technical knowledge, brought the exhibit to life and provided an immersive experience for visitors. Furthermore, Benton’s talent as a co-curator and installer was evident in the 2023 founding exhibit at the JWM RR CC, the RCRP Legacy Lounge, and the corresponding corridors. His expertise in integrating historical narratives and cultural distinctions resulted in a thought-provoking and impactful exhibition.

Beyond his professional achievements, Benton’s personal qualities further enhance his ability to curate meaningful experiences. His deep spiritual maturity, love for art, history, and cultural distinctions, as well as his commitment to being a student of God’s Word, infuse his work with a sense of purpose and authenticity. Benton’s passion for preserving the heritage of Black peoples descended from the African diaspora shines through in his dedication to sharing their stories and contributions. With his diverse skill set, visionary mindset, and unwavering commitment to excellence, Benton Hampton continues to leave a lasting legacy through his transformative work as a curator and cultural advocate.